Solar Panels

Upgrade Your Home with a Solar Energy System

Turn to the solar professionals at Sun Solar Power for all your residential solar energy needs, let our Powur consultant, Allen Biles, guide you through the transition from traditional electric to solar without compromising the quality of living and connectivity. Serving the communities of Eustis, Naples, and all of Florida, we can efficiently transition your home to this wonderful renewable energy source. Allen Biles will be with you every step of the way to ensure that we maximize the value you receive from making the switch. Solar energy provides you and your family with 100% clean, renewable energy from the Florida sun. Increase the value of your home while choosing an environmentally friendly energy source. Call us at 352-800-6751 to schedule an energy audit and start your solar journey today. 

Get Started Today with Your Energy Bill

Schedule a discovery call today by calling 352-800-6751. From there Allen Biles can come to your home to conduct an energy audit to give you the full picture of how a complete solar solution can work for your home. Our residential solar panels and equipment are backed with an industry exclusive 30-year warranty, that’s 30 years of guaranteed power – not to mention the huge energy savings on your utility bill. Additionally, you can add a solar storage battery or batteries to help keep the lights on when the grid goes down.

Let us help you step into reducing your carbon footprint one solar panel at a time. 

You New Solar Panel Installation Timeline**

Allen Biles will be there to help you from Step 1 all the way through Step 8 and beyond. Below are the steps we take to complete your solar panel installation project.

STAGE 1 Contract Signed

Schedule & Timing: You have already completed this stage and are well on your way to energy independence!
What to Expect: Going solar is exciting and easy! Powur is here to answer your questions about any aspect of your system. Just contact your IEC or the PC listed in the initial welcome email.

STAGE 2 Site Survey Scheduling

Schedule & Timing: Stage 2 will begin up to four days after the completion of Stage 1.
What to Expect: We’ll do an onsite property survey so we can create an accurate solar design. Your IEC may complete this immediately after contract signing, or a Site Survey Technician will conduct it at a later date. We recommend that someone is home during the survey.

STAGE 3 Site Survey Completion

Schedule & Timing: Stage 3 will begin up to four days after the completion of Stage 2.
What to Expect: When the site survey is complete, Powur’s design engineers will draft a unique plan for your property, which will be submitted to the local city government for review and permit approval.

STAGE 4 Permit Submission

Schedule & Timing: Stage 4 will begin up to two weeks after the completion of Stage 3.
What to Expect: Final plans will be submitted for permitting with your local jurisdiction. This is generally the longest part of the process as Powur waits for approval from your local permitting office. No action is required on your part. Powur handles everything!

STAGE 5 Permit Approval

Schedule & Timing: Stage 5 will begin up to four weeks after the completion of Stage 4.
What to Expect: Once the permit is approved, we will contact you to schedule an installation date. Once confirmed, the equipment will be ordered, and the installation team will be ready.

STAGE 6 Installation Scheduled

Schedule & Timing: Stage 6 will begin up to three days after the completion of Stage 5.
What to Expect: Once the installation is scheduled, it will be time to prepare for the big day! A typical home installation takes one to three days. A team of Powur installers will bring the system components to your home and complete the installation as efficiently and safely as possible. Please plan on being home at this time. Also, please read or COVID-19 No Contact Solar Policy to understand our protocols.

STAGE 7 Installation Completion

Schedule & Timing: Stage 7 begins up to four weeks after the completion of Stage 6.
What to Expect: Once your new solar power system is installed, we’ll schedule an inspection with the local building department.

STAGE 8 Permission to Operate (PTO) and POWUR ON!

Schedule & Timing: Stage 8 will begin up to four weeks after the completion of Stage 7.
What to Expect: Once inspected and approved, the utility will install the net meter. Please attend our post-installation orientation, Q&A session, and fill out our customer success survey to ensure all of your questions are answered and you are completely satisfied. We will also email you a Customer Closeout Packet, which contains all the documentation related to your project.

**The timeline above represents a typical solar installation, variations to this timeline may occur due to the complexity of a specific install, timeliness of presenting utility documentation to Independent Sales Consultants and the availability of local city government officials.

Ready for an energy upgrade? Call 352-800-6751 to get solar panels today.

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